Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan


If I’d been facing the other way I would have pictures of a tough soccer match going on  — great play but sad ending — but it was so cold and wet and vicious that I found myself turning the other way to shoot this.

A little annoying.  I avoided the creeper risk of showing the boys with their soaking wet jerseys clinging to them, the masses of wet jackets hung from the roof of the tent, the way the boys on the bench tried to look fine but sat real close.

I would have liked to be able to show the downpour, the water pouring off the tent, the way the ref hunched his shoulders out in the wet, but none of those showed up as miserably in pictures as in life.  Instead I caught this peaceful little shot of droplets and pretty fall colours.  Aw shoot.

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