Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
Evening designs
Evening designs

Evening designs

photo 5First soccer ended, and last night the last volleyball session took place.  Evenings are back!  It makes me want to use the time and make delicious dinners.  That bodes well for the offspring, doesn’t it?  Last night I made the most delicious meatloaf and the best mashed potatoes and then said goodbye to them as I headed off just as they were both ready.  That’s not true, I filled a small plate and hoovered through in about three minutes before I left but it’s not much better, is it?

As happy as I am to not have to charge out into the dark rainy nights anymore there are definitely some things I like about those little chunks of time.  I have little guilt-free opportunities to write in my journal and draw.  The drives to things are nice times with my kids, almost always just one at a time, good times to talk about the day and hear what music they’re listening to.  Excellent taste in music, my kids have.  A lot of the music I listen to has come through them.

Last night I sat in the atrium of the Community Centre with David Gray playing in my ear, texts from friends making me laugh, and looking up at this beautiful piece of art, Beach Tangle by Gordon Smith.

You know I’m a beach girl right?  I’ve mentioned that, right?  Once or twice?  It was so good to get away in February to a hot sunny beach and get in the water instead of having to wait till summer.  Definitely all good!  But man, the withdrawal is hitting a little hard now.  I miss the colour of the water so much, and the feel of walking in and dipping under.

So it was especially wonderful looking up at that tangle of beach.  I could taste it!

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I had my sketchbook out and was brainstorming a new little hanging design that a customer suggested.  I think by the end I was starting to get an idea where it would go.  Mostly it was nice just doing little drawing after drawing after drawing, not fussing about how it looked, just moving to the next one, seeing what elements worked and kept coming back.  All in all, a nice evening.

This morning the birds were doing their fantastic spring singing (in the rain but let’s not fuss), there are leftovers in the fridge, and there’s nothing on my calendar so I’m likely to get in a good day of Pippin and a workout! Yum.

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