Pippin offices revisited: a work in progress
Pippin offices revisited: a work in progress

Pippin offices revisited: a work in progress

So a while ago I was wistfully mulling over how to move Pippin head office to Maui and designing that office in my head.  I was seduced by those tropical colours.  Big time.


But yesterday it felt like summer here and the youngest and I got ourselves to our beach.  I was a bit nervous.  Maui has some of the best beaches in the world. How would my dear dear beach down the street hold up?

Oh my.  It was stellar.  I came this close to going for a swim but the fact that my feet got numb long before even my knees got wet held me back for just a bit longer.

I added a few must haves to my imaginary dream office.  “Must haves” sounds a little bratty.  How about some “please, please, pleases”?

2013-03-30 15.15.27Please please please could there be stairs like this somewhere?

2013-03-30 15.21.54And all company mugs will be one of these colours.  And the bathroom will be painted that green.  Oh man look at that green. Yum yum yum.  Who do you think got the bigger happy wiggle, whoever drank the beer and chucked it on the beach (jerk), or me finding the rounded-off hunk a year later? Even my phone camera couldn’t handle it and blurred it up but I had to still include it, if a bit smaller.  Look at those colours together!!!!2013-03-30 14.24.38

OK so I know these colours might be a little strong for some so I’ll try to behave but come on.  Paper clips?  Cup holders?  Giant banners festooning the entrance???  (Festoon.  Great great word.)

Do you like my briefcase?  And my corporate big girl shoes?  Man, those things set me back a bundle.  It will be so nice to come home from a hard day at Pippin and slip those things off.

2013-03-30 16.37.06The board room.  Of course.

And I believe I must be designing a suite above the offices to stay in because I can’t stop thinking about how nice it would be to slip under a cover this colour.  Wouldn’t it feel like you were sleeping in the dark indigo sky?  2013-03-30 16.39.50

Or I’d mix it with sheets and pillows that gorgeous warm gray colour of the sand and bright white, and feel like I was tucked up in a mussel shell sleeping on the beach.

That was one of those things that sounded really good in my head, I could picture the shell rocking a bit and the sound of the waves, but when the words came out in front of me my thoughts turned to slimy mussel insides and how a previously lived in mussel shell might not smell all that good.  (Although the beach smelled amazing yesterday! All salty and fresh.)

Still.  Those colours!  Sheets and covers yes!  Please please please.

It felt delicious stealing away for the afternoon and stomping back and forth, back and forth, looking at things, sand between my toes, sun on my shoulders, a bikini!  Any day now it’s going to start raining — but spring rain so that’s all good right???? humph — and won’t stop until July so don’t be annoyed if I crow a little.  Got to take it when I can get it!


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