Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
Hi hi hi
Hi hi hi

Hi hi hi

photo 2

Well hi.  Good summer?

I had a good one.  Lots and lots of working, lots of seizing the moments, lots of standing back and taking things in.  Lots of thinking about that.  I have so many parts of my life that I love and need and I’m still learning how to put them all together.

A few stretches I had a nice balance going, and I loved that.  I didn’t find my way to the beach during sunny afternoons much but I loved my peaceful evening swims.  I swim out towards the point and dive down under the water, sticking my feet out as if they are my big humpback tail or pointing my toes and feeling sleek like a seal.  I like to stretch my arms out in front of me underwater and see my bracelets shimmer in the green water.

One night the water seemed cooler, the sun was already completely down behind the islands, and the only thing that got me in was thinking that maybe I could see a large bird sitting out in that smallest tree.  There is an eagle who likes to sit and stare out at the sunset from a taller tree most nights, but this one was too small for him.  Big enough to be something interesting though, and I couldn’t pass up getting closer to see.  My bird ended up being an odd shaped branch and I laughed at my mistake but I came away happy with the swim, and in my head thanked blobby branches.

photo 1On one swim I watched two little brown mink running around on the rocky shore, popping into the water and grabbing something fishy for their dinner.  I found myself swimming with sea gooseberries, which are officially referred to as comb jellies but I see as these crazy little globs of jelly with two teensy long tentacles trailing behind if you look closely enough.  They seem to spend their lives bobbing and spinning along through the water, and in my head they are having a ball doing it.  I get these guys.

This one here knows how to enjoy the moment too.  Even on a cool day.


One thing that I didn’t figure out how to fit into my balance was writing here and I so missed it.  I have a phone full of pictures from the summer that I intended to post and write about.  Pippin has some big changes coming, all good, and one thing that should come out of it is the opportunity for me to get back to writing here.  That feels absolutely wonderful.  Both of my boys were away for extended periods this year and it made me so appreciate the chance to really miss someone and then get the chance to enjoy their company again.  I hope and plan for me and this blog to get that happy reunion.

So… talk to you soon.  photo 5

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