Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
Studio visit
Studio visit

Studio visit

photo 1

I had a nice visitor in the studio yesterday. Scout came past and instead of just doing a nose whiffle to see if I was eating yogurt she paused and then jumped up on my desk.  She doesn’t do that very often.

photo 3

I’ve been working on a bunch of designs, tweaking older ones and getting out brand new ones, and happily playing with threads and paint and pens.  You can probably see that by my desk.  (Can we talk about something else now?)

In my exuberant creative flurry Scouty might have felt the need to come in and settle me down a bit.  Pierce my “these designs are going to be awesome!!” bubble.  She keeps it real, does Scouty.

“Nice design.  Think I’ll rest my cat bum on it.”

photo 2Her timing was perfect.  I needed a tail model for the kitty in the canvas.

Both of our hard work was rewarded.photo 3I’m moving the cat and dog designs onto 13 and freshening up the colours a bit.  Not done yet.  I think the cat is going to get an umbrella propped up in the corner, and the fish in the corners aren’t showing themselves.  Might have to turn those into gray mice!

To be clear… I will not be needing a mouse model!photo 4


  1. Fern Herrmann

    While you are thinking of new designs, have you thought of doing something with skis? Maybe snowboards? I’ve been looking for something for our vacation home, but everything with skis is too Christmasy (is that a word?). I don’t want a skiing Santa, I want something I could leave out all year, or at least all winter. I want your sense of whimsey. I want the winter equivalent of your five canoes (I am working on that one now and love it). Please, please.

    1. I love that idea! Totally get the Santa thing too. I am sticking that in the idea mix in my head (a scary scary place!) and hopefully it will pop back out all designed up! 🙂 I also have 5 kayaks in there. My first attempt at canoes looked more like kayaks and I figured I could close in the tops and have another option. Having hard time coming up with wording to go around border though! Thanks for the idea Fern. So glad you’re enjoying the canoes.

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