Bat inspiration
Bat inspiration

Bat inspiration

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Here’s another of the new designs.

Inspired by this:

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Yup.  Two.

At least not nine.

But still.  Two.

This design was actually finished before this particular pair found their way in.  I wish I could add videos here.  I filmed them flying around my youngest’s room, teasing us by occasionally almost flying back out, and my daughter saying in the background that we must be witches.  Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 4.37.04 PMWe got through almost the whole summer without any bats inside the house and I made the mistake of thinking about that and within the week we had three or four bat incidents.  So many that we became almost casual.  Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 4.36.18 PM

Man.  The first one was in my room and disappeared over the top of a high cupboard early one morning as the room was just getting light, and after trying to figure out how to corral it for too long I was so over it that I thought, “You’re going off to sleep.  OK that works for me,” and I went and climbed back into my own bed.  That’s how used to bats I’ve gotten over the years.  It probably started the first time when I woke up to a cat acting weird on my bed  and a strange high squeak coming from the pillow beside mine. Yep.

Still, the bats I’ve had inside previous years were all dragged in by cats and although most got escorted out again OK they weren’t feeling up to exploring in the flying way.  The bats this year seemed to fly in on their own.  The cats looked a little stunned at that too.  And they flew in and kept flying.  I’ve never had that experience where they flap around the room and frequently head towards me!  I take pride in being pretty un-squeamish in the small creatures department but it took all of my resolve not to squeal but to stand still and tell myself that it knew I was there and wouldn’t fly into me.  Ugh.  You know how in movies they always seem to worry about bats flying into their hair?  I never got that before but it sure went through my mind when they were circling me.  What’s that about?

To be fair, they never did fly into me. But I never figured out how to get them out.  I resolutely told myself that if I left them they would find their way out on their own.  Leap of faith right?  So far it seems like it was the way to go.  No sad stinky discoveries made.

Bright side of it all:  makes designing for Halloween so much easier!


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