Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
Surf life
Surf life

Surf life

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OK more on that surf love.  The pictures I’ve been putting up are from a blissful getaway to Tofino on Vancouver Island in late August.  The type of time away that still runs through my head daily.

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The offspring wanted to surf and and are old enough to get down to that on their own, which left moms free to watch from a distance on the beach.  Watch from a distance lying down on towels.  In bikinis.

I did some little sketches and teeny paintings there, which I just loved having a chance to do.  Places like that and time away just gets my creative juices boiling over.

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Everywhere there were people in wetsuits carrying boards.

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But our (rented) surfboards were scrappers.  The girls got rolled in waves and the boards got tangled up. There were bites and scratches.

Not on the girls, thank goodness.

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A fin missing.

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A fin found.  Ouch.  Drama ensued.  I mentioned they were rented right?

Still.  What a place.

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