Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
Chomping Pippin colours
Chomping Pippin colours

Chomping Pippin colours

We’re on a bit of a health kick around here.  One of us doing this every chance he gets,

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outside too, and wanting to eat well to keep his poor sore body going so he can do it again in a day or two.  Weird when your babies get muscles.

I’m just trying to work off a few years of too much desk time and too many sweets.  I also want to woo my body back into strong enough shape to go walking a bit in the mountains around here without feeling like each time could be my last.

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My other one at home is perhaps just being dragged along in our wake, but in all fairness she eats pretty well already.  Both she and the climber are fruit bats, and no matter how much fruit I drag home the bowls are empty a couple of days later.  I’ve decided this is a very good thing, and not something I will complain about whatsoever.

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I was admiring this beet the other day.  I love that colour.

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I thought I would chase after one of my favourite colour groupings and introduce Ms. beet to these yummy orange yams.

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After after hanging out in my oven for a while those two pleaded for me to set them up with some green friends.

And some seedy friends.

And Mr. goat cheese.

Drizzled with a little bit of balsamic vinegar and olive oil.


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I love it when eating well is also so pretty.

And not to forget about the fourth in the family, who is making dinners across the country these days; he is the one who gave me the idea for this particular food get together.  Hard to remember the days when they ate Halloween candy till their bellies stung.

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