Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
Fruit bat update
Fruit bat update

Fruit bat update

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Well I told you I’d keep you posted on the fruit bowl devastation.  This is today, pretty much exactly two days after it got filled up.

To remind you how it started:

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Two days.  I live amongst fruit bats.  (Might have helped the cause a bit myself.)  I actually think it’s a bit slower than usual, and it looks like red apples are the hot ticket this time.

All the greens of fruit remind me of how often in the last two days I’ve been distracted by the spring greens.  A friend’s hosta coiling up out of the ground.

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The tip of these buds  and leaves when the sun lights them up.  I bought these to paint.  Nice perk.

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Today I was very pleased to get to the gym and have a beast of a workout.  I’ll be feeling that tomorrow.  It’s funny how it gets so much easier to go to the gym and to do some hard work there once the sun starts hanging around more, in spring.  But before all of that hard work inside I sat in my car for a few minutes mesmerized by these greens.

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As I drive along the highway I constantly wish I could stop and take pictures.  The sides of the road are just a stunning mix of these bright new greens, all of the baby leaves popping out in this warmth, and the combination of these with the dark greens of the evergreens and the blue sky call to the painter in me.  The evergreens themselves are looking so happy.  They really are.  They spent the winter getting buckets of rain poured down their gullets, and then a month or so ago there were some strong winds that blew away the gunk and split ends, and now I think they look vibrant and healthy and I do think they might even be grinning. In a tree grin sort of way.

I spent a lot of the day painting these spring flowers.  They are from a spring sampler from a club that will come into the Pippin line in a couple of months.  It was painted on 18 count so I was resizing this section of it onto 13.  I still have to get a border on it.  A nice peaceful job for someone distracted by greens.  Only one shade in this decide but I think it might be a new leaf sort of green itself.

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But now the greens have put themselves to bed and I am ready to drag my gym-exhausted (did I mention that?) body to bed too.

Goodnight you.

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