Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
Biennial or biannual thoughts, I’m not sure which
Biennial or biannual thoughts, I’m not sure which

Biennial or biannual thoughts, I’m not sure which

So we’ve been having discussions around here about the difference between semi-annual, biannual, biennial, and a couple of other terms.  As it was regarding the frequency of my writing this blog it was not a good discussion to be having.

What a busy year.  Too much to touch on so let’s modify:  What a busy Christmas!

We were having a cold snap through most of December.  This is not really the norm around here, by Vancouver.  It’s been a couple of years since I had to shovel a driveway or even scrape a windshield.  But then this happened.And this.And it kept on happening.  No eating dinner outside for a bit I guess.  Going to be tough to sit.

All of that white stuff led to this.And to this.Scout’s take on it was to get out and tip toe carefully through the white.  She looked like a comma in the snow.

Lucy’s was to sit inside by the window and wonder, “What the heck?”

So when we went to get a Christmas tree and brought its tied up self up into the living room, when the string was cut instead of springing open it stayed frozen shut and awkward.Isn’t she a beauty?  There were mutters and giggles and the lower branches were pried down hopefully until it was decided that this might make Miss tree a touch cranky.  Instead lights were turned off, good nights were said, and fingers crossed.  We’ve had Charlie Brown trees before, mostly in the thin and wispy form, and have loved them and admired how they made it so easy to see the ornaments hanging from their wimpy little branches, but we’ve never had such an uncomfortable looking tree.  It looked like it was standing there not quite sure what to do with itself, and maybe it should be holding up its lower branches, and maybe it just didn’t feel very good.

Much relief waking up to this:Nice job, tree.  You thawed out and went for majestic.

And kitties adjusted (trees in the house… weird) and allowed themselves to be corralled for a tandem snuggle, even though there is a high risk of hissing and tears when they are forced to sit so close.  They are sisters in the fussiest form of the word.And now Christmas is done for another year, and I’m riding through the sweet days of leftovers in the fridge, Christmas baking needing to be eaten, and kids big enough that if they need to go out can borrow my car and even pick up groceries on their way back.The stockings are collapsed on a chair, still coughing up chocolates and goodies when I go past. All these years and my kids still don’t know they need to hide that Almond Roca.  Is it still like taking candy from a baby if they have jobs and do their own laundry?

That slight unease at the thought that others have already packed Christmas away is starting to mumble in the back of my head, but I’m determined not to listen just yet.  Still a need to cocoon.  Lucy is backing me on this.I actually looked just like that myself just before Christmas when I finally sat down to try and remember how to write a blog and found that it had gotten into the digital eggnog and was … what was the technical term???… messed up.  My amazing website lady Chantal did her thing, which was very kind at such a chaotic time of year, and has got it standing again, but there are still little things to smooth down and relearn  so apologies if anything looks a little off.  It’s the eggnog.  Still in the blog’s system and my own.

I hope the year was good to you,  and since 2016 seemed a bit cranky I hope 2017 might even be a bit better.  I’m so grateful for all of you.  I’m doing what I love.  🙂

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