Sea shoot
Sea shoot

Sea shoot


Last week we had a glorious afternoon before the storms and wet hit big time.  I got down there with some stitched samples to shoot some new photos for the website.


I’ve been in a bit of a creative void lately getting painting and a bunch of other things done and whenever that happens I get cranky and antsy.  Eat too much chocolate.  As I started pulling things out of my bag I wondered if I’d made a mistake.  I love the beach but was I going to be able to get some good photos out of this or would they be… sigh… boring?

But the beach came through for me in a big way I think.  The rock and wood and water backgrounds were so beautiful behind the wool.  DSC_0153

I thought it would be cool and breezy there but it was hot and summery.  I hadn’t stuck my bathing suit on under and I started to wish I had.  Not saying I would have got in but how cool that I was wishing for the option!


Some scuba divers were nearby and as they came up from one dive I heard them talking about the things they had seen.  Four octopi.  Octopuses? One octopus and three more besides that.


Jumping around on the rocks and logs picking spots turned out to be just what the doctor ordered.  I had … so … much … fun!!  (Seems to happen when I get by the sea.)

These green rocks seem meant to back up this princess.  And I think driftwood, whether the elegant shiny lightened stuff or the beat up hunks, is one of the best things in the world.

There’s so much to learn.  I’d waited for the afternoon golden sun and a bonus was the dark graphic shadows setting off the designs.


My heron boyfriend (possibly girlfriend) spent the afternoon watching from the boat.


I looked up once to see that a seal had come in very close to peek at what I was doing.  In the second it took to raise my camera he was gone.  Gone far.  See him out there?  I know.  Brat.


Closer, and significantly less speedy at getting away, this little guy and many friends dotted the rocks.


When my daughter was younger she would sit on these rocks with several in her hands and stare and stare.  I like it when kids look into small worlds.  Peaceful.


I was very, very pleased that no cushions took a swim, and that they all came home with me again.

There were quite a few good heart bubbles while I was working but they’re like seals.  I caught this one just as it started to blob out.  See it?  I take them as a little ‘hello’ from the sea.  I remember one time when the waves were feisty I stood and watched as tons of hearts quickly formed and disappeared again in front of me.  It was magical.


I finished up after a few hours and as the shadows got a little too harsh, and still had a bit of  time to sit and read my book.  But I was also impatient to get home and see how everything had turned out.  And I’m pleased.  My beach came through for me.  Again.


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