Birdy stuff
Birdy stuff

Birdy stuff

photo 2

Crows are calling to me even more than usual.  They’re so sassy.


I’ve made a linocut print of 1

And now I’ve designed a new Pippin canvas.
photo 1I think I was inspired by this guy. Image 27And while I’m in the bird mood, this guy and what he likes to snack on continues to make me grateful I’m not a seagull.  Starfish sushi.  Ew. He’s grounded until he either gets it a bit farther down his gullet or gives up and goes looking for something smaller. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI couldn’t bear to do that to the starfish in this new design.  photo 2

And because I hadn’t quite had enough of those pink feet…OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


  1. Karen Bailey

    Hi Jennifer,
    I tracked you down over here and finally got my reader to follow this blog. Great crow work, I have a real soft spot for these sleek, satiny guys, they always seem so smart and I feel they know what I am thinking and are one step ahead. While I am not sure about the seagull, that seems to be a rather big and prickly mouthful. Karen

    1. Hi Karen! So glad you tracked me down! I do hope to get back to the painting blogging too but it’s so hard to get started up again! I have a bunch of ideas and have actually done a bunch of paintings but that first one is stuck and also it’s been crazy busy here! I do miss writing them both though. Hope you are well. I dropped past yours a little while back and saw some beautiful prints you had done and combined with your pencil work. Just gorgeous! I appreciate them even more after taking a short course on reduction linocut printing. So hard!! Someday I hope to have the time to really dig into that world though. Until then I’ll enjoy yours! I agree on the crows. No one seems to be blah about crows. I just love their sassy joking way. So nice to hear from you!!!!

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