Beach work
Beach work

Beach work

IMG_6658unnamedThis is the view from our new meeting spot when I go down to meet with the Pippin US ladies.  Lucky me right?  Those greens!  They get stuck in my head.

Well it’s always a bit tough climbing back on the blogging wagon after falling off for a bit.  I haven’t been slacking off.  Well, maybe the odd afternoon. I spent a couple of blissful afternoons down at my little beach in August.  Lots of evening swims this summer, but not many of those slow afternoons where you lie on a towel reading or drawing until it gets too hot, so you wander in for a swim.  Repeat.  This day the tide was high and I had to move up onto a log.  Still good.


If I get through the summer without a few of these times it’s like not having enough firewood for the winter.

One afternoon I watched an otter swimming around the little bay.  I tried to swim with him but he gave me a wide berth, climbed out, and rolled in the grass on the point like a perfect mix of dog and cat.  He was down a bit behind a rock so I would see his head poke up and look around, pop back down, and then paws and long tail stick up and wave around in the air as he rolled.  Total happiness there.

Another afternoon I was standing in the water trying to brace myself for the plunge when I noticed a few teeny fish.  As I looked at them I realized that they were just the advance party as a huge dark cloud of their friends moved towards me, passed me in a wall of fish, and then looped back and made a circle right around me.  I was in the middle of a herring ball I think.  Half of the bay turned black with the number of these fish.  Amazing.  I felt like a fishy queen.

No pictures of either.  I’m a phone dropper and my phone can’t swim.

But I did get a blurry shot of my boyfriend heron.  Look at him flirt.  Shameless.  Hey baby.

I’ve been designing furiously — that refers to speed and effort, definitely not spirit — in preparation for two markets coming up later in September and in January. Will be back soon to start sneaking some peeks of those.


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