Painting day
Painting day

Painting day

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Yay.  It’s painting day.  I have painting classes Friday afternoons, which is the nicest way to end the week.  I’m wrestling with this one lately.  I keep getting drawn towards painting inside scenes; confusing mixes of windows and dishes and bottles and people! Ugh.  People.  So hard.

This young group was enjoying Sunday brunch at Smith’s, the coolest little spot in Toronto.  And I was there with two of my favourite people and eating french toast that may have been made by angels so there’s more than one reason I was smiling as I painted this.  Even with the wrestling.  I think I’m getting there.  Faces need a bit more work but I think I’lll leave them pretty rough.  Who needs noses?

I painted this little one for a local show.  Smith’s cutlery.  Chunky old mismatched silverware with folded thick linens.  I liked everything about this place.

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I’m in the middle of a big painting of trees that I think I’ll get some help on today but if it goes another way I might try painting this scene.  I know those cups would torment me but still I’m so drawn to them. And that fuddle of things over on the left with the red and green… I drool.

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Or this.  Look at that beautiful light on the edge of all those people.  Ugh.  More people!!

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Those frames on the wall would make me pull my hair out.  But oh yum. The painting at the top had a set of moose horns on the wall on the left.  I painted them in but it really just looked like someone had stapled a cat to the wall.  Not very nice.  And I’ve finally been doing this long enough that I eventually get the voice in my head that I don’t have to paint everything.  I’m the painter, I get to decide.  I like that voice.  It also tells me to take a break and eat waffles so we’re trying to work through that one, but it was good advice ditching the moose horns.  I really like the calm space with nothing there.  Gives the eye a chance to rest before jumping into the table clutter.

I like this outside shot too.  I’d love to play with a way of adding some hits of colour in to all of the black and white and grey.  And really bring out out some fun colours in the brick wall to warm it all up.  Oh man, as I write I can feel it pulling me in.

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This place could keep me busy painting for months.  Yay, it’s painting day!

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