So going to use these colours for something!
So going to use these colours for something!

So going to use these colours for something!

  I was painting these postcards the other day and fell deeply and irreversibly in love with the combination of colours.  I’m always a sucker for oranges and pinks together, but they have to be the right oranges and pinks!  It seems obvious to me that everyone else must feel the same about those colours, how could you not???  But as luck would have it my daughter is more of a blue green girl.  When presented with a fabulous t-shirt of the O-P strain (which all right, all right, I was wishing I could wear and show off appropriately) it was politely accepted but never worn.  Not even once.  When asked about, it turned up as a pyjama top.  OK.  Lesson learned.  The girl is subtle and kind and gentle but she gets her point across.

But I will use these colours for something.  I wonder if Pippin could stand one more umbrella design.  Maybe nine umbrellas?  Hard to live where I do and not have umbrellas on the mind.  A lot.  Even in June! 

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