Blue in my view
Blue in my view

Blue in my view

Image 2016-03-01 at 10 resizedDesk setup.

Things to write and draw with?  Check!

The right things, because you know you’re a pen snob.  Check!

Lots?  Because they wander.  Check!

Stacks of paper and tracing paper to doodle and sketch and fiddle?  Check! Rolls of it.

Binos to keep an eye on the waves, and the birds, and the logs, and hope that one day soon one of those logs will be a seal or a dolphin or a porpoise or a whale?  Sigh.  Yes.  For months now I’m ahead on logs and behind on swimming things.  But yes, check!

OK I think we’re good to go.  I could sit here all day.

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