Call of the stitch
Call of the stitch

Call of the stitch

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Official changing of the season.

This blanket, which was inspired by this gorgeous one, has two winters of knitting under its belt so far.  Maybe next year.  And then maybe another year to sew the strips together.

Maybe two.

But for me it’s cosy knitting when it’s cold and dark and I can do it while I watch hockey.  Now that the sun is here again and my Canucks sadly bowed out early my hands are feeling like stitching.  I design stitching, I love designing stitching, but I do more of that than actual stitching, and I am sloooow.  And I think this is made obvious by the projects I have on the go.

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This one showed up in a blog post a few years ago.  And then it got lost for quite a while.  I was so mad at myself.  One of those things where I kept expecting it to turn up in a bag or under a car seat.  When I had finally given up hope and made myself feel really bad about the waste it showed up behind a shelf.  Grinning and looking like it had been off carousing and wreaking havoc, just like the cats look when they come back after busting out.

But look how close I am to finishing it.  Get ‘er done, Jenn!

(I am amazed by the fancy stitches I see, more in the States than here in Canada, but when it comes to what my hands do and the concentration levels I can muster when I stitch I am a basketweave girl.  When I’m feeling really wild I’ll rip off a French knot.  Wild child.)

This next one is a very sad thing.

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I’ve been stitching it off and on for a couple of years, yes really, and the water in it was looking beautiful using two shades of turquoise.  I was getting pretty close to getting it done too but then I went and left it sitting on a window sill where the sun had lots of chances to suck that turquoise right out of it.  Ugh. The threads on the right show how it’s supposed to be, And was. Sigh. It’s so faded and dull compared to how it looked that there’s nothing for it but to pick it out and go again. I’ve moved the estimated finish time to… 2024.

(I have a faint hope that I can just pick out and replace the darker shade.  Cross your fingers.  Maybe I can squeak this one in by 2021.)

Ugh ugh ugh.

I feel like this post might not be making me sound like a rocket scientist.  Although I bet if you are able to figure rocket stuff out you might be distracted enough by real life to lose the odd canvas, or abandon one to the wicked sun.

The last one isn’t  a Pippin design.  I am just getting some pink-red-orange love out by filling in this pencil outline of a hillside of buildings.  I was  briefly laid up a year and a half ago and had a few days in a row of sitting on a couch stitching so I moved ahead pretty fast.

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And now here it sits.  The same.  A trend, I’m thinking.

Ah well.  Makes me admire the work that I see you do all the more.  Send pictures.  I love seeing finished and in progress Pippin projects.  Especially when they’re not mine!  Mine have way too much drama going on.

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And now a cat waits impatiently and the moon is peeking in my window and telling me it’s time for bed.  Night night.

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