Dish  wish
Dish wish

Dish wish

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Heaven is having a gift card to use at Anthropologie.  I took a break from the usual errands the other day to wander in and spend a happy hour looking to see who might come to live at my house.  I found some nice dish cloths but you know, I neeeeeeed those, so surely Christmas money shouldn’t be used on those right?

This group of bowls is where I ended up doing most of my circling.  The colours!!!  I methodically put different groupings together to see which would be the funkiest, funnest, and which ones made each other look good.  Because I wanted them to get along.  No jealousy between bowls please.   Every now and then a logical voice would try to speak up in my head and think about what I might put in these bowls, but the rest of me shushed that guy down pretty fast.  Please.  Colour contemplation going on.  Do not disturb SVP.

Time stopped I think.  If anyone was watching they must have thought I was casing the joint, but these things are important.  I take my bowls very seriously.  And those cute timers beside them were distracting too.  (Except excuse me.  What’s up with those purple ones? Beside turquoise dishes. Pattern police please.  Shudder.  The rule follower in my head — yes I have one, smartypants — is shuddering big time.)

Finally I had the perfect three picked out.  I didn’t take a picture since they were coming home with me but I wish I had because guess what.  On the way to the checkout this baby reached out and grabbed me.

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Oh yum.  And it’s already made the best quiche.

Thank you dear sister-in-law.  I am smitten.

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