Feather thoughts
Feather thoughts

Feather thoughts

IMG_2620I was trying out how I’d look with feathers the other night.  Not bad, right?

I wonder how many birds I have represented here.

Image 7I played with the feathers and since the evening was cooling down thought there might be a possibility I was going to leave the beach without going for a swim, also known as jamming out.  I lay the feathers out on a rock and then, without thinking, ran and splashed into the water.

The sun was just getting low over the islands and was golden, and it was one of those swims that feels meant to be and almost spiritual.  I had just seen a big grey seal in close so I was trying to dive under and roll like I thought maybe a seal would do.  Or I would do if I were a seal.  I stayed in the water just rolling and diving and playing for so long and never even got cold.

When I came out the feathers had dried a bit and the sun had gone down behind the point.  I loved how the white feathers stood out against the dark rock and thought how great they’d look as a canvas.  Wrapped up in my towel, I got out my writing book, and perched on a rock getting thoughts out of my head and down on paper.


Took a minute this morning to pull out some paints and push the idea a bit farther.Image 9

Bit more work to do but I think there might be something there.  It will go back into my head to mush around for a bit and then hopefully next time I check in there will be a gorgeous baby new designed canvas sitting there, ready to be picked up and cooed over.  My beach and my brain work pretty well together and just pull me in when necessary.  No complaints from me.

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