Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
New designs just in the door
New designs just in the door

New designs just in the door

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Yay.  Always fun to see new designs back from the painters and ready to find new homes.  This one above is a detail from a section of the Fall sampler, played with a bit and given its own border.   When it was hanging out in the sampler it was on 18 count canvas, but on its own it’s painted onto 13 count, as are all of the new designs below.  This design is a reminder that pumpkins (and gourds and squashes and maybe a zucchini?) are awesome even without a eyes and mouth.

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These nine bears all look like they could be peeking in a window or over a bush.  And that’s what I felt like I was going to see this weekend when I was doing some hard core gardening on my overgrown side of the mountain.  I saw a bear above the highway last week and since then I notice I’m a bit jumpy whenever I see something dark out of the corner of my eye.  But I love them, and these ones above look like they would just say hi.

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I like these three kitties.  I think they’re going to turn up again in other designs.  They look much more respectful than I believe my black brat cats would if they were looking at a favourite dish, although for my two it would be roast chicken.  And bananas and mango for Scouty, if you please.  (Apologies for this not so great photo of it.  I was fighting that darned blue morning light.  I’ll have to try and creep up on it on a sunny afternoon.  It’s a bit warmer and brighter than I was able to show here.)

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And look at me, going all purple-y.  Not a colour I use all that often, but I thought it looked pretty with all of the golds and greens.  For a while I was choosing driftwood greys for borders because they seemed to make the colours inside pop.  I still think that, I use those greys in all of my creative work, but then this purple hit, and today I was working on a new dozens design for fall with the palest aqua colour as a border.  Fun to feel myself move through phases.  And look.  I’m getting influenced by my other type of painting and put shadows in this one.  Wow!  Although I’m keeping it Pippin-real in that I have yet to find pears at the grocery store with stripes and swirls.

These small stockings aren’t new to my local ladies, but they used to be painted on brown canvas without the background painted in so I’ve finally gotten them all repainted onto white and they’re ready to rejoin the line.  This is Cole

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and Rocky

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and Chili (just off the ski slope)

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and Jack.

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The angels follow them with Robin,

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and that wild child Stella, who managed to tip a little to one side when I took the photo.  I have a soft spot for Stella.  She looks like she’d be fun to hang out with.

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All of the angels on these stockings and the big angel stocking were based on my own baby girl when she was still chubby cheeked and would let me cut her hair in a baby bob.

And I was just thinking about Chili there, the snowman on skis.  So if a snowman was skiing and fell and rolled down the hill would he get to the bottom five times as big?

I hope you like the newbies.  As always I had a lot of fun working on them.  They’re just in the door to Mary at Pippin US and ready to make their way to your door.  If you have a local store you can ask there.  Stores who already carry Pippin canvases are listed here and we’re always happy to find new shops to hang out in.  if you need help with anything Mary is at 206-948-2345 or pippin studious@gmail.com.

Be back soon.  I have to tell you more about that huge gardening blitz.  We filled twenty five bags of gardening trimmings so far, and many more to come.  Lions Bay hack and slash gardening at its finest.   And look who I found, skipping the roast chicken and listening for small scuttly things.  Garden bandits.

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    1. Jennifer Tan

      Thanks so much Mary Jane. There are a series of season samplers that are done on 18 you might like. So far just Autumn is out but I think spring is coming in the fall (that makes sense, right?) and then the other two after that, and we had so much fun with them that we’ve decided to keep going with other themes in that format also on 18. So it’s a start. 🙂

    1. Jennifer Tan

      Mary Agnes, it’s always so nice to hear from you. Thank you for the thumbs up. I’m trying to come up with a similar dog design but am having trouble coming up with a good enough/bad enough rhyme. It would be absolutely lovely to catch up with you in Dallas.

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