Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan


ImageThis guy made me laugh. I was leaving the beach after one of those evening swims that fills me up with good stuff.  (I’m thinking specifically calmness and good feelings, but more on that later.)  I was picking my way across the beach towards the steps when I heard the “gronk” of a Great Blue heron and turned to see him flying low over the water.  They’re so big and gawky, like flying dinosaurs.  This one landed on the soft top of this boat and it was all good until he thought he’d take a little step.Image 2Whoa.  The top is made of cloth and must give quite a lot as he steps.  Add in some waves and he looked like he was on an ice rink, fast-stepping back and forth from edge to edge.Image 1To the right, to the right.

Image 3OK wait.  Tighten it up.

Hold it.

Hold it.

OK.  All good. Straighten up… slowly…. slowly…..Image 4….whoooooa.  Here we go again.

He did that back and forth, over and over.

I liked his stubbornness though.  He didn’t fly away, just kept fighting it.

I stood watching and laughing, but with my own teetering challenge.  I had a head full of water from swimming and diving down underwater and doing handstands, and when I slog out of the sea with that headful I have the balance of a boat-roof-dancing heron, myself.  I stood with feet on separate logs and tried to stay solid as I snapped pictures.  So while this guy did his swoop dance out there, I sort of did a minor version myself.  Two stubborn goofballs.

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