Spring day
Spring day

Spring day

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Spring came yesterday.  It’s been peeking out here and there but yesterday it showed itself.  I bounced through my day.  Had a great workout, went for a walk on the seawall where I always admire that guy above.  Doesn’t he have great feet?.  I ate turkey sandwiches on a sunny bench with some of my favourite people and one of the best dogs in the world.  Although even this best dog in the world couldn’t resist spring fever or the siren call of the sea and went for a completely unsanctioned dip.  I get it.  Been there.

Part of the bouncing may have been because of these.  My dear old trainers finally wore out and sealed their fate by handing me a blister (footing me a blister??) so that I could finally let go and buy new ones.  These ones.  These amazing ones.photoI love people, animals, places, colours, books, music, rocks, tables, and many other things but these shoes are something else!  I’d ask them to move in with me if they didn’t already live in my closet.  Close to my closet.  On the floor beside my closet.

These shoes are life changing! Really! They weigh less than my todo list.  I feel like Tigger when I wear them on a sunny day.  I woke up so excited to get to the gym and try them out, and this is not my usual way.

I resisted the first million bunches of snowdrops and crocuses but these ones were just too pretty.  A bit bluer in real life.  I think the internet may be tipping to one side right now with the weight of all the spring flower pictures being posted, but maybe that’s a good thing!  Can it ever be a bad thing to stop and get lost in a bunch of flowers?
photo (2)It’s back to gray today, and rain for the week it looks like.  Tonight I’ll be standing in the cold on the sidelines for the last soccer game not just of the year but for good.  The cold sidelines is fine but it makes me sad we’re at the end of soccer.

But this was yesterday.  
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