Things that make my brain smoke, and then not
Things that make my brain smoke, and then not

Things that make my brain smoke, and then not

Image 11Hmmm.  Wondering what to do with this guy.  I designed him quite a few years ago, first in an eyeglass case size and then this bigger version. He was always a bit of an outlier.  Never got stitched up, didn’t paint him very often.  When I did paint him he sold pretty quickly so there was never one around to be seen.

I’m currently casting around for a project; I’ve misplaced the sample I was working on. No, I don’t want to talk about that. Here we are in happier times.Image

Ugh.  I’m sure it will turn up in a bag somewhere, with a sketch book, maybe a journal, and hopefully not a library book.  But with a bit of a break coming up I’d like to get some stitching done.  This bigger rockfish and I crossed paths the other day and I thought hey.  Where you been, handsome?

But do you know how when you come across something you did a long time ago you always feel like putting a new slant on it?  Or is that just me?  I look at that border and think hmmm.  How would i do that if I was doing it now?  Do I still like that dark teal background? And I designed it before I started my deep abiding affection with lime green. That feels a little weird with none of that around. Those oranges are so bright. Those oranges would look so good with charcoal.  But water isn’t charcoal!  Then my mind starts to smoke a little and I have to go do something else.

Maybe sketch some cold cuddling hummingbirds.

Image 1

Maybe stack some firewood.  (This picture lies.  There was so much more than it looks like here!  I swear there was enough to make about a hundred woodpiles and my driveway is so steep that my boys and I had to rope ourselves up with armfuls of wood.  Both ways.)


Sometimes I just need to walk down to the beach and breathe in some fresh salty air.  Watch a race.Image 13

Last night I stayed up wickedly late working on a bit of block printing. Just for fun.  I’ve always wanted to do a bit more of this.  More coming.Image 5

But back to what to do with that rockfish. I’ve asked this loner what he thinks I should do.  He’s thinking it over.  Said he’d get back to me.

Snail mail.

of course.Image 14


  1. Donna

    Hi Jennifer,

    That is a most handsome rockfish & I think he looks fabulous as is. But, would a background sort of like those wonderfully shimmery rocks with the bits of lime green from the Dec. 5th post (Jennifer Tan blog) make him even more handsome?

    Happy Holidays!

    1. Hi Donna! I hope your holidays were good. Mine were lovely and slow. Thanks for your thoughts on this guy. That’s a good idea. I have some yummy silk and ivory colours now to stitch the fish but I’m afraid to start when I haven’t got a plan yet for everything else. I really like the thought of using that lime green though. That colour has been very good to me!
      My beach is cold but sunny these days. I’m thinking yours would be warm but with that cold cold weather above you I’m not sure if you escape it or not.
      Thanks for the idea!

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