Travelling guy
Travelling guy

Travelling guy

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I have a boy (I get to call him that forever right?) who’s been travelling on the other side of the world since February.  Gulp.  He was mostly in one spot in Vietnam for a few months, teaching English, but has been travelling around for the last month or so.  A few to go before I see his handsome face in person but it’s fun having a chance to Skype every few weeks.  Fun to hear adventures and see the odd picture.  Mostly we have little texting conversations.  I’ve got him in my phone now as David Vietnam Tan, even when he was in fact David Cambodia Tan and other spots.  photo

Gives me a little chuckle every time I think about it, like he’s this whole different person, but in a way he is.  I’m finding it very cool seeing my kid from a distance, setting his own plan and making stuff happen.  A funny mixture of hearing little bits, wanting to hear everything but not really understanding what he’s describing.  I’m full of logistical questions and ask how he knows where to go, how he figures out different currencies and language.  Most of the time it’s all so new to me that I don’t even know what questions to ask.  But more than the logistics I love hearing of his adventures and picture my charming boy finding his way.  I’m admiring his confidence.  I’m eyeing a backpack myself.

He’s taken pictures of markets I drool over.image

Squid (I think), inky and not.image

He biked around Angkor Wat, which was built starting in 1125.  I’m not sure how to even make sense of a year that long ago.
IMG_8856He’s sent pictures of misty islands,


green fieldsimage

chilling reminders,


tunnels and caves, some still showing signs of awful times,


and in contrast lots of easy sun-filled times and beaches.  I’m thinking that may have been the waking up view.  Sigh.  Lucky bum.IMG_3041

He’s sent pictures of little friends (see all three? No wait! Four!)IMG_6784


Missing that guy.  Loving his adventures.  Loving him.IMG_0154

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