Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan


391Weddings and showers and graduations, oh my. 

Hi there.  How have you been?  June. Wow!

I thought having elementary school out of the mix would settle June down a bit but there are other things to fill in the void from Sports Days and talent shows,  especially in a grad year.  My middlest.  Congratulations you!  We were both giddy when this shot was taken.  I hugged him so hard I almost cut him in two!  Time for this smart strong brat to fly and show the world how he thinks it should be done.  Can’t wait to watch him shine! 

And as I said, weddings, showers, choir concerts, lost wallets and lots and lots of Pippin painting!  Which is great! Any of you who I’ve talked to lately know that I’ve been swamped and the office has gotten a bit chaotic.  A bit more chaotic than usual.  Scouty has to pick her way across the desk to check up on the neighbourhood dogs.  Boy oh boy she’d sure show them if they were up here.  (Actually we think she’s half dog, has the soul of a dog, and she’d much more likely involve them in a game of hide and seek.  Love my Scout.  Sweet sweet girl.)photo[4] (2)

My eldest, who has a heart as big as the moon and also doesn’t much like chaos, decided to help me get it organized again, and when I protested that I didn’t actually have time, that I needed that time for painting canvases, he offered to do it while I kept painting.  He’s sort of awesome.photo[7] (2)It made him sneeze. But look! photo[9]

This cabinet door turned out to be the inspiration for the Princess and the Pea canvas. photo[7] (4)Lucy showed her approval from the back of my chair.  No really.  That’s her look of approval.  She’s practically grinning.photo[6] (4)

I’m a lucky lucky girl.

For clean office reasons and for these three.  They make me worry and rant and lament  and think hard and sometimes sniffle, and I’m sure I wouldn’t be quite so reliant on hair “adjustments” if I didn’t worry so much about them, but man they make me laugh, and scratch my head, look at the world from different angles, and feel so proud. And they clean up nice.  Love them to bits!393


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