Pippin is a line of playful and original hand painted canvases designed by Jennifer Tan
A nestful of new Pippin designs
A nestful of new Pippin designs

A nestful of new Pippin designs

Hi hi.

Well it’s been a while.  My poor parents have been having a rotten year so far, with blips and breaks and unluckies, and a big move in the middle of it all.  They have pretty much decided that with the last thing — a broken hip for my dad — they are done with the blechy stuff and just going to have fun.  Hoping for some more fun days for them coming soon.

I’ve been around home a bit less but have still got lots of designing in when I am.  We are releasing a few new (and revisited) designs in the coming weeks.  I love release times.  Maybe I would be a good mother bird;  I like it when the design babies fly out of the nest.

These girls, released a couple of years ago,  have been a popular group.  They have shown themselves to be kind, holding each others’ starfish to be helpful, combing seaweed out of hair ( or maybe I have it backwards and mermaids would prefer having seaweed combed into their hair?), and generally having each others backs.  Not mean girls.

But everyone likes a little time alone, and a time to shine, so I’ve delicately untwined — unintertwined… untertwined? –their arms and given them their own space. Just for a bit. I’ve loved hearing about stitchers making the group fit mermaids in their lives, personalizing hair and colouring to match granddaughters or friends, and this is another way to stitch someone they know.

Keeping in the sea theme is a new nine: crabs.  I also pulled out three of them for small individuals.

I’d like to tell you about these crabs.  They came from a little sketch I did on the plane to the Dallas market in September.  Often the little sketches in my book are more relaxed, so loose and playful that I work directly from them when I work on the design, enlarging and tracing and playing.  Less of the “I’m sitting down to design a canvas and it must be very, very right” feeling in my lines.  This canvas ended up pretty much exactly like the sketch.  If I’m lucky I get off a plane with a few sketches that I know I’ll come back to. Why I love to fly!

So these crabs came about high up in the air and I think it’s made them very fun.  They still have that intent “I’m working here” vibe that little crabs have, but I’m pretty sure these guys wouldn’t pinch your toes.  Partly because there claws would be too small but also because they’re kind and fun-loving things.  Hardly crabby at all.

The last design fresh to this June is a recoloring of another popular canvas.

The original,

was something I tried to use sort of vintage colours, thinking of old plain brown leather golf bags.  I went on a Ralph Lauren colour palette dive.  Yum. I didn’t stay with the plain golf bags of course.  The dots and stripes and swirls are always calling to me.

This new one comes at it from a lighter side.  Summery colours.  I really loved working on both.

And now as I show off these new babies, nudge them out of the nest, I’ll put down my laptop and go to the studio to pick up painting a new new bunch, which will come out in September.  Another fun group to hang around in with I think.  Another nestful.

Hoping some of these June designs call to you, and if they do then do call your local needlepoint store to get your hands on one.  And thank you! Have I ever mentioned how much I love what I do?  Ever?

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