Rock cards!
Rock cards!

Rock cards!

Last week at the art supplies store I picked up some ready made cards for running through my printer.  I just had to add my own photos and print.  I’m hooked I think.  I used a set of pictures I took when I was away last week and they turned out well!  Now I’m thinking maybe it would be fun to take some good pictures of needlepoint things, and make them into cards.  The cards I bought are a little expensive to do too many so maybe I’ll have to try and figure out a better way to do it.  I also wish the paper was just a teeny bit heavier.  But I LOVE the idea of being able to make these with my own shots.

It’s funny, I started this blog and another at pretty much the same time.  For this Pippin one I wanted to show things not just specific to needlepoint but to do with creativity and design and colours, and all of that juicy stuff.  I’ve been working hard at painting ordered canvases and when I do that there isn’t much new stuff to write about or take pictures of, and the time I would do that tends to be filled with painting the canvases.  I think maybe when fall starts and I’m back to a more set schedule I’ll figure that out a bit better.

For the other blog I tend to go in a few directions too.  I think my intention with that one was to just write about my travels in learning to paint better, and the stuff that swirls around that process, and to definitely recognize myself as a learner, not to get all fussed or afraid that I look like I think I’m all that. (I’m Canadian.  I’m worried, and sorry about a lot of things!) The success of that varies as my confidence goes up and down, and since a busy summer has limited the acrylics painting opportunities and knocked me off the learning curve a bit, lately it’s a bit of an “ugh, what can I write about, I have no idea what I’m doing????” feeling.  Ugh.  Ugh moment.

Never mind, I’m dancing through the last unstructured days of summer with vague thoughts of lists, and daily plans, and the setting aside of specific blocks of time for specific things. Hang on, I just need to sit down a minute. That hurt a little. That’s so not like me.  At this time of year, coming off a very flowing unstructured summer which is so longed for the rest of the year but comes with its own set of pitfalls, I’m just a little hungry to nestle down into a bit more of a predictable landscape.

But what I was going to say, waaaaaay back there, was that it’s funny because I started these blogs to put up my thoughts on Pippin, and painting, and realized I had better take a few pictures to go with them.  And now I’m just so enjoying both taking photos and writing! When these cards turned out well I instantly had them laid out on my dining room table and was teetering precariously on a chair trying to get high enough to shoot them, knowing that I wanted to show them here.  Now on to needlepoint themed ones!


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